Eva Roffe


About the artist:

Eva Roffe was born in post war Poland and is the child of holocaust survivors. At a young age she and her family immigrated to Israel and she eventually came to the USA where she now lives and works full time as an artist and art teacher. She exhibits in South Florida where she has shown in The Hortt Exhibitions in the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, in group shows at Coral Springs Museum of Art, Boca Raton Museum of Art, Schacknow Museum of Art, etc Chaos, contradiction, and confusion have always been part of her personal life. Living at the end and at the beginning of the millenniums, in the times of rapid changes, and of questioning everything, has intensified her feelings of loneliness and uncertainty. That maybe the reason that she longs so much for harmony, “beauty” and peace and is attracted to anything that brings her closer to that state. She wants her paintings to be charges with visual (sensual) intellectual, spiritual and emotional “beauty”. Eva Roffe is a self-thought artist. “My passion for the works of Renaissance artists was my guide in educating myself in visual arts. I read every book I found regarding old masters techniques and closely examined old painting on my visits to the museums around the world. We should treasure and embrace our heritage. That’s the only way the progress can be achieved. I am very thankful for the recorded experiences of the 'Old Masters' which have guided me in my work. I have spent a lot of time and energy researching the techniques of the past then I have arrived at my own style .For the past four years I am trying to pass my knowledge and experience to others by teaching in several location in south Florida”.

Eva Roffe


(1 works)

About the artist:

Eva Roffe was born in post war Poland and is the child of holocaust survivors. At a young age she and her family immigrated to Israel and she eventually came to the USA where she now lives and works full time as an artist and art teacher. She

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