Hans-Georg Rauch

German (1939–1993)

About the artist:

1939 Hans George Rauch is born on 21. 6. the 1939 illegitimately in Berlin. The nut/mother conceals the identity de Vaters, the family rejects the admission of the child first. Smoke is spent of the SS into a children's home, suffers physical obligation and hunger. On initiative of an aunt return to the family under Obhut of the grandfather. 1955 - 1958 after attendance of the reason and six-form high school in Wilhelmshaven as Schaufenstergestalter actively 1958 brief employment as sow-Irish draughtsmen with „the Weser courier “in Bremen 1958 - 1959 Military service: „… the mental training as the caricaturist finally. “(HGR) 1960 visits the study studio Professor Kaschak, Hamburg 1961 - 1963 Study at the university for screen end of arts, Hamburg, with Professor Bunz (writing/typology), Professor Thiemann and Professor Grimm 1964 Study stay in Southern France 1965 Coworker of numerous European and American magazines (among other things Look, mirror, Observer, New York Time, Stern, Zeit). Ursula Vorhauer marries 1969 First book publication 1970 Prices of the Heinrich Zille donation for socialcritical diagram, journey into the USA 1971 first exhibition in the William shrub museum 1974 first erasure 1981 first retrospective in the William shrub museum Hanover; in different German museums one shows and one sends afterwards by the Goethe Institute into the USA 1982 Beginning of the graphic column „Zeitzeichen “into the TIME 1983 Commitment in the peace movement: Ursula and Hans George smoke participate together with other prominent artists and intellectual ones in the seat blockade in courage-long against the NATO double resolution and the stationing of American rockets, H.G. Rauch take part also later in the year in the action in courage-long 1984 Adoption of Kay, a three-year Korean boy. Beginning of one „graphic co-operation “of father and son. Shapes together among other things a poster for „Terre of the Hommes “ starting from 1985 Work on the architecture book 1986 The Goethe Institute sends a large exhibition into the Netherlands, to Belgium and afterwards into the USA, to Canada, Hong Kong and into the People's Republic of China starting from 1986 colored landscape designs, work to the Physiognomia arborum 1987 Cartoonist of the Year Award and exhibitions in Montreal, Canada. Journeys to Canada and Crete: recent argument with the landscape representation, particularly on the annually taking place journeys to Bernese the upper country 1988 Morocco journey 1990 the work begins rebellion of the landscape with colored pins to the topic „“ 1991 Participation in the establishment of an initiative and a Cafés for support politically pursuing in Worpswede. Journey to Scotland 1992 the book develops „for rebellion of the landscape “. An exhibition is shown in lock Moritzburg with Dresden 1993 Norway journey. On 23 December 1993 Hans George Rauch dies unexpectedly in his house in Worpswede.

Hans-Georg Rauch

German (1939–1993)

(45 works)

About the artist:

1939 Hans George Rauch is born on 21. 6. the 1939 illegitimately in Berlin. The nut/mother conceals the identity de Vaters, the family rejects the admission of the child first. Smoke is spent of the SS into a children's home, suffers physical

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