James Coignard

French (1925–2008)

About the artist:

James Coignard, painter, ceramist, sculptor and etcher, was born in Tours in 1925. At the age of 23 and after a brief career in the French administration, he discovers the landscapes of the French Riviera and decides to study at Arts décoratifs in Nice. Four years later, he quits his job at the administration to commit himself entirely to his artistic career. The encounter with Paul Hervieu in 1950 is decisive. His collaboration with gallery Hervieu made him known in artistic circles, nationally and internationally and then particularly in Scandinavia. At the beginning of his career, art critics label James Coignard as a member of Ecole de Paris. Soon, his painting and ceramic distances themselves from those of his colleagues and he goes it alone. At the beginning of the sixties, he starts to work with glass but the technical turning point occurs in 1968 when his friend Henri Goetz discovers a new etching technique, using carborundum. Etching then becomes central in his work. At the same time, his career takes off internationally. He travels a lot, especially to Sweden and USA where he lives during a few years. 1978, James Coignard participates in the creation of the etching studio Pasnic, with which he starts a long collaboration. During the eighties, he shares his time between Paris and the French Riviera and takes an interest in artist’s books and publishing issues. He exhibits now all over the world, and is acknowledged as one of the greatest painter-etchers of his time. Until his decease in 2008, James Coignard was a prolific painter, sculptor and etcher and leaves behind an immense work. 1925 Birth in Tours, France. 1926 - 1942 His family moves to Paris where he studies. 1943 - 1948 He works at the French financial administration in Tours, France. 1948 Mutation to Villefranche-sur-Mer. He takes classes at Arts décoratifs in Nice. 1949 First exhibition in Beaulieu-sur-mer . Encounters Braque, Matisse, Chagall. 1950 He obtains 1er price without competing at Arts décoratifs in Nice, France. Decisive meeting with Paul Hervieu. Starts a long collaboration with gallery Hervieu in Nice. Several exhibitions in Sweden. 1952 He leaves his job at the administration and Nice for Paris. Encounter with Max Papart. Creation of a ceramic studio in Paris. First exhibitions in Scandinavia. 1953 Exhibition at Salon d’automne in Paris. 1954 Travels to Denmark. 1956 James Coignard marries Mireille Poupart and moves to Beaulieu-sur-Mer, where he creates a studio. He works exclusively with Gallery Hervieu in Nice. Exhibition at the museum of Malmö in Suède. 1958 Travels to Spain where he discovers the work of Clavé. He stops ceramic. 1959 Birth of his daughter Pascale. Atlan, Christine Boumeester, Goetz and Max Papart meet in his studio in Beaulieu-sur-Mer. 1961 He creates glass sculptures at Fucina Degli Angeli, Venice, Peggy Guggenheim Collection. 1962 Birth of his son David. 1963 Birth of his daughter Emmanuelle. 1964 Moves to Vallauris. Obtains the prize Dorothy Gould in Nice 1966-1967 His work is bought by American museums for the first time. Encounter with Georges Bénichou. 1968 Creation of his first carborundum etchings following the encounter with his friend Henri Goetz. 1969 Illustration of the poem l’Amour du plus lointain by Jean Marcenac for the publishing firm Le Vent d’Arles. La Fucina Degli Angeli exhibits his glass sculptures in the USA. He participates in the jury distributing the national diplomas of Beaux-arts and in reform commissions concerning artistic teaching. 1970 His glass sculptures are exhibited in German museums. Encounter with A. Clavé. 1972 He is invited to the university of Ottawa and travels to Canada and USA. 1974 Travels to Israel. 1975 James Coignard creates fourteen tapestries in accordance to the technique “Art protis” in Brno, Czechoslovakia. 1976 Travel to Egypt. 1977 Creation of a series of bronze sculptures for the publishing firm F.B. Visit to USA, where he stays. In the Murano studios, he creates a second series of glass sculptures for la Fucina Degli Angeli. 1978 Creation of the carborundum etching studio “Pasnic” in Paris with Pascal Gauvard and Nicolas du Mesnil du Buisson. 1979 Stay in USA. Travels to Algeria and Israel. 1980 Creation of two tapestries for Galerie La Demeure jn Paris. 1981 Creation of a series of paintings on etched background for F.B publishing firm, executed in eight examples: the oligotypes. 1982 The creation of a studio in Paris. 1983 Collaboration with the publishing firm Sémios in Paris. Creation of a large panel for the Rothschild Foundation in Nice. 1984 Creation of nine tapestries in the Halaska studio in Stockholm for Sonet publishing firm. He marries Sylvia Uryn, head of the publishing firm Sémios. 1985 He moves to New Orleans, where he creates a studio. Travels to Mexico. 1987 Creation of the great triptych Le clavier for Sonet Studios in Stockholm. 1988 James Coignard leaves New Orleans and moves to the surroundings of Rambouillet. 1989 Birth of his son Simon. 1992 Creation of his studio in Cannes. 1995 He meet François Vecchio, collaboration with the gallery Vecchio in Cannes. Moves his studio in Antibes. 1996-2002 Numerous travels to Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey, Jordan, Greece, Morocco and Canada. Creation of glass sculptures for the publishing firm Béringo in Venice, Italy. 2003-2005 Starts a close collaboration with Galleri GKM Siwert Bergström in Malmö, Sweden. Several exhibitions in Sweden following the publishing of the catalogue l’ Œuvre gravé volume V, GKM publishing firm. Creation of a new series of glass sculptures for Béringo publishing firm in Venice, Italy. 2006-2008 Numerous voyages: Egypt, Scandinavia, USA. Collaboration with gallery Bogéna in Saint Paul de Vence. Creations of an artist’s book for Ariane publishing firm. Creation of 47 etchings, presented in the catalogue l’Œuvre gravé volume VI, GKM publishing firm. Until his decease at the French Riviera on March 7 2008, James Coignard stays a prolific painter and does not cease to create before his death at the age of 82.

James Coignard

French (1925–2008)

(21 works)

About the artist:

James Coignard, painter, ceramist, sculptor and etcher, was born in Tours in 1925. At the age of 23 and after a brief career in the French administration, he discovers the landscapes of the French Riviera and decides to study at Arts

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