Loan Chabanol


About the artist:

"Loan was born in Paris, France, and is of Vietnamese, German, and Italian descent. She grew up in the south of France where she was discovered during the prestigious Elite modelling contest. She has graced the covers of fashion magazines such as Elle, Marie Claire, Jalouse, and Glamour. After a career in TV commercials, Loan pursued acting at Lee Strasberg Institute in New York.

Her first feature role was in John Turturro's comedy, "Fading Gigolo", in which she acted alongside Woody Allen and John Turturro. Soon after, Loan was cast in "Third Person", a romantic drama written and directed by Paul Haggis. Then, she played "Buster Keaton" in a short artistic film by James Franco. Loan starred in her first lead in "The Transporter Refuelled", produced by Luc Besson.

Her early years were spent in intensive art classes with artist Bernard Bistes in Midi-Pyrenees, France. Inspired by old cartoons and children’s illustrations, Loan's early work was focused on eccentric characters and their struggle and desire to communicate.

After meeting with Monica Watkins, creator of the non-profit The Foundation for Art in Motion, Loan's work was featured in the "Art Meets Fashion" exhibition in New York in September, 2013. Linked to the show, her first book "Real E.t" depicts the quest of a sensitive character and his difficulties to communicate with the world throughout the challenges of Life.

In 2015, she created BORN IN BLUE, an art exhibit depicting the rise of sea creatures in a host of mediums. These creatures were shown alongside an animated film the artist illustrated and directed surrounded by a virtual “ Ocean based “environment at The Lightbox in New York City. The film was voluntarily created in a 2 D format to give the impression of what Loan calls the “ handcrafted vision “.

Her following body of work, NAMSIS & BLACK NAMSIS opened at SHOW Gallery in Los Angeles in 2018. Using a new medium of collages, Loan expressed the depths of meditation that transforms into a singular form that ultimately leads to: "The mind is everything. What you think, you become."

After visiting Haiti in 2016, Loan has been working closely with APJ 's ( Artists For Peace and Justice) . She share a collaboration with Picsart to help rise awareness to the young generation by creating an artistic connection between them and the charity's work.

In 2019, she then donated art work and participated to WERISE Art festival & Phase ONE silent auction to help support Mental health for youth and Cancer research in Los Angeles.

Her passion for cartoons and children’s stories led her to finalise “ Blueboo”, a children’s book she has been working on for the last 8 years. The story depicts the journey of a blue monster living in the Brown Woods meeting with the last caterpillar left in the forest. The book is successfully selling and is available online..." Courtesy of

Loan Chabanol


(1 works)

About the artist:

"Loan was born in Paris, France, and is of Vietnamese, German, and Italian descent. She grew up in the south of France where she was discovered during the prestigious Elite modelling contest. She has graced the covers of fashion magazines such as

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