Dutch (1606–1669)
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A heliogravure on laid paper after Rembrandt's "Le Canal" by Amand Durand.
Published in "Eaux-Fortes et Gravures des Maitres anciens, Tirees Des Collections Les Plus Celebres" by Edouard Lievre and Georges Duplessis Publishers: Amand-Durand, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Goupil and Co, Holloway & Fils, Miethke & Wawra, Paris, 1878. Reference: Bartsch 221. French Engraver and painter Charles Amand Durand, (1831-1905) is recognized and praised for accomplishing the difficult task of renewing original copper plate designs made by Rembrandt; It is by Amand that many of Rembrandt’s works were saved. He also restored plates by Albrecht Durer, Beham, and other various Old Masters from the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. The task started when the main curator of the Louvre gave Amand Durand the important mission of restoring the worn down and fragile engravings made by Rembrandt.
Printed in: 1878 | of original: 1652
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