Stanley Borack

American (1927–1993)

About the artist:

Stanley Borack is a realistic oil painter of the Old West--Indians, troopers, cowboys, and mountain men. He was born in New York City in 1927 and has been living there since. "I've always loved a good Western movie," he comments. "That period was a classical era in American history with its unique clothing, colorful Indian costumes, and wagons. And, who doesn't like to look a good horse in movement? When the Western art market took off, I got into it and left everything behind. I love what I'm doing." After attending the High School of Music and Art in New York, Borack served in the Navy in World War II and then enrolled in the Art Students League. A long career in illustration followed with work for the magazines, advertising, movies, books, and records. In 1969, he began painting the West, and his studio is filled with costumes, gear, and texts on the West. "I think in pictures," he observes, "and I see them all the time. I'm always jotting them down, almost as a musician composes a score." He begins a painting by selecting a landscape from photographs and letting the figures come to mind. The concept is roughed out on paper, and photographs provide the horses. After researching the costumes, he calls in the models and photographs them. The crucial stage is a six inch color sketch. Then the actual size drawing is done, fully detailed, and "it is only at this point that I begin to paint. After an eight hour day, I stop painting and study what I have done. I've been painting professionally for 30 years, and I never tire of the high that painting gives me." Borack is a member of the Society of Illustrators.

Stanley Borack

American (1927–1993)

(1 works)

About the artist:

Stanley Borack is a realistic oil painter of the Old West--Indians, troopers, cowboys, and mountain men. He was born in New York City in 1927 and has been living there since. "I've always loved a good Western movie," he comments. "That period was a

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