Dallas John

American (1945)

About the artist:

Born June 29, 1945 in Illinois. After years as an urban planner he abandoned that lucrative profession in favor of life as an artist. His involvement with art began in Berkeley- illustrating his own research reports and newspaper articles on planning. A year traveling in Central and South America provided a break from bureaucracy and changed Dallas John s life. He returned to the United States, moved to Denver and took up graphic art as a profession. This lead into commercial silkscreening. In this spare time Dallas tried his hand at silkscreening his first art piece. This lead Dallas into development of the distinctive serigraphic style, which distinguishes the rich works he is known for today. The intricacies of color, texture and perspective in Dallas’ serigraphs reveal the artist s love of the land and reflect his academic background. Born and raised in Illinois, Dallas received his Bachelors degree in geography at the University of Denver, then a Masters degree in Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina. He worked as an urban and transit planner in New York and Berkeley over a span of six years. But Dallas found he was not happy in that profession and turned to art. Art has a lot more potential for keeping me happy. I don t really specialize. That way you just burn out. My subjects keep evolving. In the future I plan to travel, to do foreign subjects. And wildlife where the scenery is incredible.

Dallas John

American (1945)

( works)

About the artist:

Born June 29, 1945 in Illinois. After years as an urban planner he abandoned that lucrative profession in favor of life as an artist. His involvement with art began in Berkeley- illustrating his own research reports and newspaper articles on

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